Utilization of fibrous heat-insulation and fire-resistant materials makes it possible reduce power consumption by less than 30%, essentially lower mass and thermal heat capacity of furnace's lining (mass of bell furnaces in JSC "Zaporozhstal" was reduced from 28 tones to 4.5 tones).
Especially effective utilization of fibrous materials in thermal batch furnaces, they have low thermal heat capacity and not critical towards heating/cooling cycle. Furnaces and kettles, lined with fibrous plates start operation condition some times rapidly, have 3 - 4 times higher lining resource in comparison with those, lined with grog materials.
Heat-insulation inserts from ПТМК-Ко- 450 plates for boilers' covers provide insulation from 1250°C to 50°C at 100 mm thickness, resist direct attack of flame of gas and oil fuel fan burner, cyclic recurrence of warming is 2 - 3 times per hour.
Direct impact of gas (Metallurgical works "Zaporozhstal") or oil fuel fan burners ("Demo", effusion speed - 30 -40 m/sec) passed tests to success and are being used.