Composition materials play important role in diverse areas of modern engineering.
Glass, basalt plastics are composition and construction materials, which combine high cohesion with comparatively low density.
Principal components of glass and basalt plastics are glass fibrous, basalt reinforcing materials and synthetic binders. Fine high-strong glass and basalt fibers secure stiffness and strength of products. Binder gives material monolithic character, promote effective use of fibers' mechanic properties and even distribution of efforts between them, prevent fibers from chemical, atmospheric and other outer impacts, and also perceives itself part of efforts, that rise within the material when loaded. But this, binder makes material able to be formed into products of various configuration and size.
Utilization of different combinations of polymers and reinforcing materials (fibers) and other fillers makes it possible to regulate properties of compositions widely and gives glass, basalt plastics a straight path to all the fields of contemporary production.
High mechanic density and ability to take any color of given intensity makes it possible to use these materials widely in building in the state of rolled materials, flat and crimped sheets, three-layered panels (sandwich) and zenithal lanterns. As the material for the high-altitude exhaust pipes, that take away corrosive gases, and reservoirs for keeping chemical products, authors suggest to use corrosion-resistant basalt plastics, which are much more economical than corrosions-proof steel.
In electro-technical industry glass plastics can be used as electrical insulation and construction materials when manufacturing electric machines, high-tension breakers, beams, panels, parts for devices' cabinets and also electric motors' casings.
Glass plastics are also widely used in aircraft industry and missile and cosmic technologies, where its high specific density and resistance to short-lived coercion of high temperatures, resistance to vibration.